Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Mars Archetype

Mars is the god of war and a bundle of raw, fiery energy. It is the energy that get us out of bed and go to work in the morning. In ancient times Mars gives man the energy to go forward in life to fulfill basic intinctual needs such as food, water, shelter and sex. In modern terms, this translates into seeking a job, search for the right house, taking courses to upgrade our skills and mixing socially to meet a potential marriage partner.

The Roman Mars and the Greek Ares were the gods of war but perceived very differently in their respective cultures. Originally Mars was a vegatation or fertility god because the Italian economy was based on agriculture. Some believe that this foreceful god was so important to the Romans because the people may have had to fight to maintain their fields and plantations. As the Roman Empire grew, Mars evolved into the magnificient brave conqueror. Ares on the other hand, was not appreciated by the intellectual Greeks. Rather he was often portrayed as the coward and the laughing stock of the gods.

The archetype of Mars has much to do with our assertion and aggression. It is the force within that helps us to get our way, stand up for our rights and become self-directing. Mars is necessary to keep us from being pushed around. It is the power that helps us stand up on our two feet and get what we want, say what we feel, and actualize our will.

Too much Mars energy however, makes us arrogant, overbearing and contemptuous. We push others around, demand they bend to our will and ignore their rights. We become the tyrannical boss and the oppressive spouse. Too much Mars may also mean that we dominate and are ready to crack down on everything and anything.

In a healthy body, Mars represents the vigor and vitality of movement, and especially the muscles. But it can also manifest as irritations, inflammations, infections and fevers. Mars can be one of the principal significators of operations nd accidents.

Mars in the Natal Horoscope

In the natal chart where Mars is placed by sign and house it indicates how best we can express our will in life and how to go about getting what we want. Strong placements of Mars can indicate an aptitude for competitive sports, physical and athletic challenges, positions of command, including the military and other occupations that require bravery and assertive power. Mars is not a natural team player unless it leads the pack. A strong Mars placement in the chart denote a competitive, athletic, risk-taking personality. Any vacation that that results in scarring and wounding, such as soldiers, martial artists, race-car drivers, people who deal in guns and knives generally will have strong influences in their natal charts. Mars in the birth chart challenges you to become a master strategiest in whatever house you find it in and whichever house it rules. It is the area of the chart that you cultivate the environment for greatest success.

The Mars personality type is an individualist. Mars people do not want to compromise their own integrity by following a path set by another. They are the type who often is the first to go where none have gone before. The true Mars type wants to be left alone, free to pursue whatever path is desired. For this reason, the Mars type may have difficulty in relationships, especially work relationships. In love relationships, the Mars type needs a partner who is an independent equal, capable of going his or her own way when necessary.

Mars in the Corporate Horoscope

In corporate and business charts one should look at the meaning of Mars differently and use the symbolism of Mars in its purest forms. Since Mars represents assertion and aggression, we look at Mars in business delineation as the key planet signaling whatever that motivates a company to thrive and prosper. For the individual, Mars shows us why we get out of bed every day and go to work. Likewise for an organisation, it shows why a company keeps doing or not doing what it needs to do to be a success. In business astrology, the planet Mars is seen as the "buying barometer". If you are interested you take a risk and you have to take action.

The location of Mars in your company's chart is where you are asked to be courageous, to get up when you fall, and to not react when things are not responding to your appeals. The paradox of Mars in this area of the chart is where your company have to struggle and is challenged to be tactical and strategic. It is where at any turn, the organisation can be wounded and suffer losses, but still must continue inorder to achieve and trail blaze new areas in the house that Mars is placed or rules. The location you find Mars in your company horoscope is where you struggle, have to stop and re-group, but on the cutting edge, and exhibit bravery in the face of market competition.

Mars in the National Horoscope

Mars is the planet of war, of soldiers, agitators, rebels, violent criminals and all those who dispute and contend. It is the planet of desire and aversion. In a national chart, Mars represents the forces that hold a State together or drive it apart in terms of aggression. The threat of war is often the means by which a country becomes united. At an archetypal level, Mars represents the collective need of a nation to have an army to fight against enemeies, or to express itself aggressively. It can also show what helps a country to grow, to assert itself and act decisively to prevent internal violence, riots or rebellions.

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